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Chaonen in Armor A good pic of Chaonen in Cephtarian armor and with his bow, one of his main weapons.
Socara in Armor Soca-chan in Cephtarian armor. Geez, Oni likes this armor stuff...how come she doesn't draw me in it?!
Socara ready for Battle I really like this pic of Soca-chan, I think she's leaping up into battle or something. Hell, I like anything with Soca-chan in it.
Veda Sokana Magical Girl Veda Sokana AKA Socara Tapestri. I'm just glad Oni didn't make her a Sailor Scout ~_~
Unicorn A really nice of a unicorn holding a staff and a rose in the BG. Oni actually sold this one :)
Ark w/ Dif style Shards! I actually look sophisticated in this pic! Dear Scion! Oni has to be delusional right now, she would never draw me like this!
Chess Board The personality version of Chaonen from Emerald and Brass (go read it! Amazingly boring, but go read it!). He loved the game of chess, but liked to make his own pieces and pawns...
Mogul Oni doing the Helicopter Mute Grab I think. Guess who was watching the Olympics in Nagano.
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